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Home Loans in Utah and Idaho

Find Your Home Loan Solution

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At Wasatch Mortgage Solutions we're determined to help you find your home loan solution; because you deserve a mortgage with a great interest rate, low closing costs, and a fast closing. 

Online Mortgage Application - Wasatch Mortgage Solutions | Logan Ut Home Loans
Learn more about Northern Utah's Home Loan Specialists - Wasatch Mortgage Solutions | Logan Ut home loans

Your Home Loan Solution

We want to give you a solution, not just a mortgage. Your home loan solution is something that offers affordable payments, makes owning a home less stressful, and is best for your situation. We'll help you find your solution by clearly defining your options, outlining your costs, and giving you the power to choose while providing:  

Logan Utah home loan options | Find your home loan solution at Wasath Mortgage

Lower Closing Costs - Our closing costs are consistently lower than our competitors.

More Options - We provide more home loan options than banks can offer.

Education - Get a true understanding of your mortgage, what to expect, and the home loan process.

Fast, Simple Communication - Stay informed throughout your mortgage experience.

We Offer Options For

  • First time home buyers

  • Self-employed borrowers

  • Individuals without a big down payment

  • Nontraditional credit

  • Bad Credit

  • Veterans

  • Investors

  • Anyone looking for a great home loan

What Do Our Customers Think About Their Solution?

Laura McGinnis

"If you're financing your first home or refinancing a current loan, Wasatch Mortgage is the place to go. Not only are they kind, friendly, and professional, but they will go out of their way to help you."  - Google Review

Adam Turner

"The staff at Wasatch Mortgage was AMAZING!! These guys and gals are honest, hard working and we will use them in the future. Their fees were reasonable. The staff treated us like real people. They were very kind and efficient."  - Google Review

Cale Lowther

"This was our first time buying a home and they educated us on what to expect so at signing day there were no surprises. Everything they said was true which made the process go smoothly. They totally exceeded our expectations." - Google review

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Wasatch Mortgage Solutions is an equal housing lender | Home Loans in Logan Utah


664 North Main Ste. 103

Logan, UT 84321

NMLS: 3135

Wasatch Mortgage Solutions

  • Wasatch Mortgage Solutions Home Loan
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